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    更新時間:2022-05-05      點擊次數:22030




    0902 澄清度檢查法




    除另有規定外,按各品種項下規定的濃度要求,在室溫條件下將用水稀釋至一定濃度的供試品溶液與等量的濁度標準液分別置於配對的比濁用玻璃管(內徑15-16 mm,平底,具塞,以無色、透明、中性硬質玻璃製成)中,在濁度標準液製備5 分鍾後,在暗室內垂直置於傘棚燈下,照度為1000 lx,從水平方向觀察、比較。除另有規定外外,供試品溶解後應立即檢視。


    濁度標準存貯液的製備 稱取於105℃幹燥至恒重的硫酸肼1.00 g,置於100 ml量瓶中,加水適量使溶解,必要時可在40℃的水浴中溫熱溶解,並用水稀釋至刻度,搖勻,放置4-6小時;取此溶液於等容量的10%烏洛托品溶液混合,搖勻,於25℃避光靜置24小時,即得。該溶液置冷處避光保存,可在2個月內使用,用前搖勻。

    濁度標準原液的製備 取濁度標準貯備液15.0 ml,置1000 ml量瓶中,加水稀釋至刻度,搖勻,取適量,置1 cm吸收池中,照紫外-可見分光光度法(通則0401),在550 nm的波長處測定,其吸光度在0.12-0.15範圍內,該溶液應在48小時內使用,用前搖勻。

    濁度標準液製備 取濁度標準原液與水,按照下表配置,即得。濁度標準液應臨用時製備,使用前充分搖勻。







    采用散射光式濁度儀時,光源峰值波長為860 nm;測量範圍應包含0.01-100NTU。在0-10NTU範圍內分辨率應為0.01NTU;在10-100NTU範圍內分辨率應為0.1NTU.




    I=K’T I0

    式中 I為散射光強度,單位為cd;

         I0 為入射光強度,單位為cd;










    <630> VISUAL COMPARISON 視覺比較

    The purpose of this test is to provide the details for the visual comparison of the color and/or turbidance of sample solutions of certain concentration to a standard solution or a series of standard solutions of known concentration. Where a color or turbidity comparison is directed, follow the procedures and conditions outlined below for performing these tests.


    Comparison vessels: Color-comparison tubes matched as closely as possible in internal diameter, in depth of sample solution, and in all other respects should be used.


    Viewing conditions for turbidity comparison: Tubes should be viewed horizontally against a dark background with the aid of a light source directed from the sides of the tubes.


    Viewing conditions for color comparison: Tubes should be viewed downward against a white background. Most of the time, common room lighting is sufficient to perform the assessment. A light source directed from beneath the bottoms of the tubes may be used if needed and if the practice is consistent between the materials under comparison.



    <855> NEPHELOMETRY AND TURBIDIMETRY      散射光濁度法和透射光比濁法


    Nephelometry and turbidimetry are analytical techniques that are based on the principles of light-scattering phenomena. Light scattering is the physical phenomenon in which a beam of light changes its direction of propagation (known as deflection) as a result of interaction with sufficiently small matter particles. It has been established from the Maxwell electromagnetic theory that a prerequisite for scattering to occur is that the refractive indexes of the suspended particles must be different from those of the suspending liquid. The larger the difference, the more intense the scattering becomes. There are two types of light scattering: 1) elastic scattering, in which the wavelength of the scattered light and incident light are the same; and 2) inelastic light scattering, in which the wavelength of the scattered light and incident light are different. Only the first type of light scattering (elastic) is relevant to nephelometry and turbidimetry.



    In turbidimetry, the intensity of the transmitted light is measured and the attenuation of the intensity of incident light as a result of scattering is measured at the direction of incident light (i.e., 0°) and compared to the intensity of incident light (blank measurement). The measured property is an indirect measurement of the scattering effect of the suspended particles and is referred to as turbidance. Any absorbance of light by the suspended sample will result in additional attenuation of light intensity (see Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy <857> and Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy—Theory and Practice <1857>). Hence, it is important to ensure that the material being measured does not absorb light at the measurement wavelength. Indeed the equations governing absorption and turbidimetry are the same (albeit with different values for the attenuation constants). In nephelometric techniques, the intensity of the scattered light at a 90° angle from the propagation direction of the incident light is measured. Therefore, a nephelometric measurement is a direct measurement of the scattering effect of suspended matter.

    在透射光比濁法中,測量透射光的強度,並在入射光方向(即0°)測量散射導致的入射光強度的衰減,並與入射光強度進行比較(空白測量)。被測特性是懸浮顆粒散射效應的間接測量,稱為濁度。懸浮樣品對光的任何吸收都會導致光強度的額外衰減(參見<857> Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy<1857> Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy—Theory and Practice)。因此,確保被測材料不會吸收測量波長處的光非常重要。實際上,控製吸收和濁度測定的方程式是相同的(盡管衰減常數的值不同)。在散射光濁度法中,測量與入射光傳播方向成90°角的散射光強度。因此,散射光濁度法濁度測量是對懸浮物散射效應的直接測量。



    Terms commonly used in describing turbidimetric and nephelometric techniques are:

    Turbidance (symbol, S): A measure of the decrease of the transmitted incident light beam intensity as a result of the light-scattering effect of suspended particles. The amount of suspended matter may be measured by observation of either the transmitted light (turbidimetry) or the scattered light (nephelometry).

    log I0/It = kbc = T

    I0 = intensity of incident light

    It = intensity of transmitted light

    k = molar turbidity coefficient

    b = cell path length

    c = concentration

    T = turbidance

    Turbidity (symbol, τ): In turbidimetric measurements, the turbidity is the measure of the decrease in incident beam intensity/unit length of a given suspension. The International Organization for Standardization defines turbidity as “the reduction of transparency of a liquid caused by the presence of undissolved matter”.

    Turbidity Measurement Units: The turbidity units are stated using a descriptor which indicates the method of measurement.

    Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs): When the turbidity is measured using a nephelometer, which measures the scattered light at a 90° angle from the direction of propagation of incident light, the units of turbidity are called nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs). The magnitude of NTU is defined based on the turbidity generated by primary formazin standard (a suspension made by mixing solutions of hydrazine sulfate and hexamethylenetetramine in water). Safer polymer-bead suspensions are now commercially available and are recognized as an acceptable alternative. However, all those standards are traced to formazin. The primary formazin standard solution has been assigned a turbidity of 4000 NTUs.

    Other recognized units for turbidity include the formazin turbidity unit (FTU) and the formazin nephelometric unit (FNU). These units are equivalent to NTU for the range from 0–40 NTUs.



    log I0/It = kbc = T









    散射光濁度計濁度單位(NTU):當使用散射光濁度法測量濁度時,濁度計以與入射光傳播方向成90°角的角度測量散射光,濁度單位稱為散射光濁度法濁度單位(NTU)。NTU的大小是根據初級福爾馬肼標準品(一種將硫酸肼和六亞甲基四胺溶液混合在水中製成的懸浮液)產生的濁度定義的。更安全的聚合物微珠懸浮液現已上市,並被*為可接受的替代品。然而,所有這些標準都可以追溯到福爾馬肼。初級福爾馬肼標準溶液的濁度為4000 NTU。

    其他*的濁度單位包括福爾馬肼比濁法單位(FTU)和福爾馬肼濁度法單位(FNU)。這些單位相當於0-40 NTU範圍內的NTU。


    Turbidimetric and nephelometric techniques have applications that include 1) concentration determination of solutions and/or suspensions (determination of several cations and anions by precipitating and suspending the resulting precipitate at well-controlled reaction parameters); 2) measurement of the degree of turbidity of turbid solutions or suspensions; 3) determination of weight-average molecular weights and dimensions of polydisperse systems in the molecular weight range from 1000 to several hundred million; 4) measurement of immunoassays’ reaction kinetics or kinetics of immunoprecipitations (rate nephelometry); 5) monitoring of cell and bacteria growth; and 6) particle size distribution determination of suspended material, particle counting, etc.



    Rate nephelometry is widely used for vaccine components assays and/or quantitation of components in blood serum. It is also used for host cell protein qualification in recombinant biopharmaceuticals. When using the technique, the measurement of the change in the light-scattering response by antigen–antiserum or antigen-purified antibody complexes is used to calculate the amount of antigen (Ag) or antibody (Ab) responsible for the immunological Ab-Ag precipitation reaction or agglutination reaction. Often the antigens under consideration are linked covalently or adsorbed to polymeric microspheres to increase the scattering efficiency; the resulting technique is known as "particle-enhanced immunoassay". Although the technique is described as nephelometry, usually both scattered and transmitted light are measured using the ratio instruments.



    Nephelometric measurements are more reliable in low turbidity ranges (relatively low concentration of the scattering medium). In this range, a linear relationship is observed between the sample concentration and the detector’s signal intensity expressed as NTU. As the concentration increases, so does the incidence of multiple scattering that deviates the response from the linearity. The maximum NTU value, which supports a reliable linearity relationship, is in the range of 1750–2000 NTUs. Turbidimetry is preferred for higher turbidity ranges (concentrations of the scattering media). To achieve consistent results, all measurement variables must be carefully controlled. Where such control is possible, extremely dilute suspensions may be measured.

    散射光法濁度測量在低濁度範圍(散射介質濃度相對較低)更可靠。在該範圍內,觀察到樣品濃度與檢測器信號強度(以NTU表示)之間存在線性關係。隨著濃度的增加,多次散射的入射角也會增加,從而偏離線性響應。支持可靠線性關係的最大NTU值在1750–2000 NTU範圍內。透射光比濁法適用於更高的濁度範圍(散射介質的濃度)。為了獲得一致的結果,必須仔細控製所有測量變量。在可能的情況下,可以測量極稀的懸浮液。



    Instruments used for turbidimetric and nephelometric measurements are called turbidimeters and nephelometers, respectively. Generally, these instruments consist of a mercury lamp with filters for the strong green or blue lines, a shutter, a set of neutral filters with known transmittance, and a sensitive photomultiplier, which can be mounted fixed at 0° or at a 90° angle from the incident light propagation direction, or on an arm that can be rotated around the solution cell and set at any angle from −135° to 0° to +135° by a dial outside of the light-tight housing. Solution cells are of various shapes, such as square for measuring 90° scattering; semioctagonal for 45°, 90°, and 135° scattering; and cylindrical for scattering at all angles (see Figure 1).






    Figure 1. Representative nephelometric (turbidimetric) instrument. Note that Detector 2 may be mounted on a movable arm.



    Turbidity also can be measured with a standard photoelectric filter photometer or spectrophotometer, preferably with illumination in the blue portion of the spectrum. Nephelometric measurements require an instrument with a photocell placed so as to receive scattered, rather than transmitted, light. Because this is the same geometry used in fluorometers, they can be used as nephelometers by proper selection of filters. A ratio turbidimeter combines the technology of 90° nephelometry and turbidimetry. It contains photocells that receive and measure scattered light at a 90° angle from the sample as well as receiving and measuring the forward scatter in front of the sample. It also measures light transmitted directly through the sample. Linearity is attained by calculating the ratio of the 90° angle scattered light measurement to the sum of the forward scattered light measurement and the transmitted light measurement. The benefit of using a ratio turbidimetric system is that the measurement of stray light becomes negligible. In addition, the determination of turbidity of colored suspensions is done exclusively using turbidimetric or nephelometric instruments with ratio mode because this procedure compensates for the attenuation of light as the result of the suspension color. Typically, the light source in these instruments is a tungsten lamp with most of the light intensity at about 550 nm operating at the filament temperature of 2700 K. Other suitable light sources are also available. Typically, the detectors are silicon diodes (ERR 1-May-2019) and photomultipliers. An alternative for eliminating the color effect involves using an infrared light-emitting diode as a light source, which yields an emission maximum centered at about 860 nm and a spectral bandwidth of 60 nm. When laser light sources are also used, especially in nephelometric instruments, the technique is commonly known as "laser nephelometry". The advantage of using laser nephelometers is the significant improvement in signal-to-noise ratio at very low detection levels. Usually the light source is a laser diode with a working wavelength at 660 nm. The high-power density of the laser beam gives rise to higher scattered intensity from smaller particles. Combined with a light trap, which absorbs the unscattered light, the system lowers the stray light significantly. When the use of a nephelometer or turbidimeter is indicated for a procedure in a monograph, instruments working in ratio mode may be used instead.

    濁度也可以用標準光電濾光光度計或分光光度計測量,最好是在光譜的藍色部分進行照明。散射光濁度法測量需要一個裝有光電管的儀器,以便接收散射光,而不是透射光。由於這與熒光計中使用的幾何結構相同,因此可通過適當選擇濾光片將其用作濁度計。比率濁度計結合了90°散射光濁度法和透射光比濁法。它包含光電管,接收和測量與樣品成90°角的散射光,以及接收和測量樣品前麵的前向散射光。它還測量直接穿過樣品的光。通過90°角散射光測量值,前向散射光測量值和透射光測量值之和,計算兩者的比值,可獲得線性度。使用比率濁度測量係統的好處是雜散光的測量變得可以忽略不計。此外,彩色懸浮液的濁度測定僅使用透射光比濁法濁度儀或濁度儀(帶比率模式)進行,因為該程序補償了懸浮液顏色導致的光衰減。通常,這些儀器中的光源是鎢燈,在2700 K的燈絲溫度下工作,大部分光強約為550 nm。也可使用其他合適的光源。通常,探測器是矽二極管和光電倍增管。另一種消除顏色效應的方法是使用紅外發光二極管作為光源,其最大發射中心約為860 nm,光譜帶寬為60 nm。當激光光源也被使用時,尤其是在濁度測量儀器中,這種技術通常被稱為激光濁度測量。使用激光散射光濁度計的優點是,在非常低的檢測水平下,信噪比顯著提高。通常光源是工作波長為660 nm的激光二極管。激光束的高功率密度使較小粒子產生更高的散射強度。與吸收未散射光的光阱相結合,該係統可顯著降低雜散光。當專著中的某個程序指示使用散射光濁度計或透射光濁度計時,可以使用在比率模式下工作的儀器。



    Formazin is the only known primary turbidity standard. All other standards are secondary and must be traced to formazin. The primary standard is defined in the IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology, (ERR 1-May-2019) 2nd ed. (the Gold Book) as one that is prepared by the user from traceable materials using well-defined methodologies and conditions.

    福爾馬肼是唯yi已知的主要濁度標準。 所有其他標準都是次要的,必須追溯到福爾馬肼。 主要標準在▲IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology▲(ERR 1-May-2019)第 2 版(金書)中被定義為由用戶使用明確定義的方法和條件從可追溯的材料準備的標準。


    Formazin suspension has many features that ensure its suitability as a primary standard. It can be consistently and accurately prepared from reagent-grade starting materials. The suspension consists of random polymers with different lengths and of random configurations, which result in moieties of varying shapes and sizes ranging from less than 0.1 μm to more than 10 μm. Although the polymer chain length distribution has been shown to vary from preparation to preparation, the overall resulting turbidity has been very reproducible.

    福爾馬肼懸浮液有許多特點,以確保其適合作為主要標準。它可以從試劑級的起始材料中始終如一、準確地製備。該懸浮液由不同長度和隨機構型的聚合物組成,其組成的聚合物的形狀和尺寸從小於0.1 μm到大於10 μm不等。盡管聚合物鏈長分布已被證明因製備而異,但總的濁度結果是可以很好地重現的。


    5.1 Preparation of the Formazin Standards 福爾馬肼標準液的製備

    [NOTE—All procedures described below must be performed at 20 ± 2° (see Volumetric Apparatus <31>.]

    Hydrazine sulfate solution: Dissolve 1.000 g of ACS grade hydrazine sulfate (N2H4·H2SO4) in particle-free water in a 100-mL Class A volumetric flask and dilute with particle-free water to volume. Allow this solution to stand for 4–6 h.

    Primary formazin standard: Dissolve 2.50 g of analytical grade hexamethylenetetramine [(CH2)6N4] in 25.0 mL of particle-free water in a 100-mL flask. Add 25.0 mL of hydrazine sulfate solution using a Class A 25-mL “to deliver” pipette and mix thoroughly. Allow the preparation to stand for 48 h at 25 ± 1° before using. The resulting suspension is stable for 2 months.

    Formazin stock standard suspension 1: Using a 15-mL Class A “to deliver” pipette, transfer 15 mL of the Primary formazin standard to a 1-L volumetric flask, and dilute with particle-free water to volume and mix. The resulting suspension has a turbidity of 60 NTU.

    Formazin stock standard suspension 2: Using a 50-mL Class A “to deliver” pipette, transfer 50 mL of Primary formazin standard to a 200-mL volumetric flask, and dilute with particle-free water to volume and mix. The resulting suspension has a turbidity of 1000 NTUs.

    Formazin reference suspensions: Prepare by mixing in a 100-mL volumetric flask, portions of the respective Formazin stock standard suspension and particle-free water according to Table 1.

    [注:以下所有的程序必須在20±2°的條件下進行(參見<31 Volumetric Apparatus >]

    硫酸肼溶液:將1.000 g ACS級硫酸肼(N2H4·H2SO4)溶解在100 mL A類容量瓶中中,並用無顆粒水稀釋至刻度。讓該溶液靜置4-6小時。

    初級福爾馬肼標準液:2.50 g分析級六亞甲基四胺[(CH2)6N4]溶於25.0 mL無顆粒水中,裝入100 mL燒瓶。使用A25ml移液管加入25.0 mL硫酸肼溶液,並充分混合。使用前,讓製劑在25±1°的溫度下靜置48小時。由此產生的懸浮液可穩定運行2個月。

    福爾馬肼儲備標準懸浮液1:使用15 mL A類移液管,將15 mL福爾馬肼初級標準液轉移至1 L容量瓶中,並用無顆粒水稀釋至刻度並混合。所得懸浮液的濁度為60 NTU。

    福爾馬肼儲備標準懸浮液2:使用50 mL A類移液管,將50 mL福爾馬肼初級標準液轉移至200 mL容量瓶中,並用無顆粒水稀釋至刻度並混合。所得懸浮液的濁度為1000 NTU。

    福爾馬肼參考懸浮液:根據表1,在100 mL容量瓶中混合各份福爾馬肼儲備標準懸浮液和無顆粒水,製備福爾馬肼參考懸浮液。






    The suitability of a specific instrument for a given procedure is ensured by a stepwise life cycle evalsuation for the desired application from selection to instrument retirement. The qualification comprises three components: 1) installation qualification (IQ), 2) operational qualification (OQ), and 3) performance qualification (PQ) (see Analytical Instrument Qualification <1058>).

    特定儀器對給定程序的適用性由從選擇到儀器報廢的預期應用的逐步生命周期評估來確保。鑒定包括三個部分:1)安裝鑒定(IQ)、2)操作鑒定(OQ)和3)性能鑒定(PQ)(參見<1058>Analytical Instrument Qualification章節)。


    The purpose of this section is to provide test methods and acceptance criteria to ensure that the instrument is suitable for its intended use (OQ), and that it will continue to function properly over extended time periods (PQ). As with any spectrometric device, a turbidimetric and nephelometric spectrometer must be qualified for both wavelength (x-axis, if not fixed) and photometric (y-axis, or signal axis) accuracy and precision, and meet the requirements for the stray light. OQ is carried out across the operational ranges required within the laboratory for both the absorbance and wavelength scales.


    Acceptance criteria for critical instrument parameters that establish “fitness for purpose” are verified during IQ and OQ. Specifications for particular instruments and applications can vary depending on the analytical procedure used and the desired accuracy of the final result. Instrument vendors often have samples and test parameters available as part of the IQ/OQ package.



    Wherever possible in the procedures detailed as follows, primary reference standards or certified reference materials (CRMs) are to be used. Formazin is the only primary reference standard used in turbidimetry and nephelometry. All the other standards, including the CRMs, must be correlated to formazin. The CRMs should be obtained from a recognized accredited source and include independently verified traceable value assignments with associated calculated uncertainty. CRMs must be kept clean and free from dust. Recertification should be performed periodically to maintain the validity of the certification.



    6.1 Calibration校準

    All of the turbidimetric and nephelometric instruments are calibrated against standards of known turbidity. The instrument must be calibrated using formazin turbidity standards prior to its first time use and at least every 3 months or as specified by the vendor. Calibration is performed using at least four formazin turbidity standards whose turbidity proportionally covers the range of interest. Many instrument manufactures provide calibration verification standards. They usually consist of sealed sample cells filled with a latex suspension or with metal oxide particles in polymer gel. These standards must be used only for checking the calibration in the time intervals between the instrument recommended calibrations.



    6.2 Stray Light雜散光

    Stray light (stray radiant energy) is a very significant error source, especially for measurements in the range of the lower turbidity readings. It is defined as external light that reaches the detector without being scattered from the sample. There are several sources of stray light including the inherent cell surface imperfections, reflections from within the cell that are unaccounted for, optical system parts, light sources, and, to a smaller degree, the electronics fluctuations. Although there are many design features that instrument vendors use to minimize the stray light, a complete mitigation of the stray light cannot be achieved. Unlike spectrophotometric measurements, the stray light cannot be compensated for in turbidimetry. The stray light must be measured and the values should be within the specification range set by the vendor of the particular instrument or <0.15 NTUs for the measurement in the range of 0–10 NTUs and 0.5 NTUs for the measurements in the range of 10– 1100 NTUs, whichever is smaller.

    雜散光(雜散光輻射能)是一個非常重要的誤差源,特別是在較低的濁度讀數範圍內的測量。它被定義為到達探測器而不被樣品散射的外部光線。雜散光有幾種來源,包括電池表麵固有缺陷、電池內部未被解釋的反射、光學係統部件、光源,以及在較小程度上的電子波動。盡管儀器供應商使用了許多設計功能來最小化雜散光,但無法*緩解雜散光。與分光光度測量不同,濁度法無法補償雜散光。必須測量雜散光,其值應在特定儀器供應商設定的規格範圍內,或在0-10 NTU範圍內測量時小於0.15 NTU,在10-1100 NTU範圍內測量時小於0.5 NTU,以較小者為準。


    6.3 Range of Measuring Capability測量能力的範圍

    The instrument must be able to measure the turbidity in the range of 0.01–1100 NTUs or from 50%–200% of the target turbidity. To demonstrate the linearity for the intended measurements range, choose at least four appropriate reference suspensions from Table 1.

    儀器必須能夠測量0.01–1100 NTU範圍內或目標濁度50%-200%範圍內的濁度。為了證明預期測量範圍的線性,從表1中選擇至少四種合適的參考懸浮液。


    6.4 Resolution 解決方案

    Instrument resolution must be 0.01 NTU or less for the measurements range of 0–9.99 NTUs; 0.1 NTU or less for the measurements range of 10–99.9 NTUs; and 1 NTU for the measurements above 100 NTUs.

    對於0-9.99 NTU的測量範圍,儀器分辨率必須小於等於0.01 NTU;測量範圍為10-99.9 NTU時,小於等於0.1 NTU;100 NTU以上的測量分辨率值為1 NTU。


    6.5 Accuracy準確度

    The instrument reading accuracy must be ±10% of the reading + 0.01 NTU for the measurement range from 0–19.9 NTUs, and ±7.5% of the reading for the measurement range from 20–1100 NTUs.

    對於0-19.9 NTU的測量範圍,儀器讀數準確度必須為讀數+0.01 NTU±10%,對於20-1100 NTU的測量範圍,儀器讀數準確度必須為讀數的±7.5%。


    6.6 Performance Qualification性能鑒定

    The instrument PQ is accomplished periodically or as needed between the calibrations. Primary turbidity standards (formazin) or secondary calibration verification standards (latex suspensions or metal oxide particles in polymer gels contained in sealed sample cells) supplied by instrument manufacturers may be used.



    7. PROCEDURE步驟

    7.1 Turbidimetric Procedures 透射光比濁法測試步驟


    The sample cells for sample measurements must be clean. Follow the sample cell or instrument manufacturer recommendations for cleaning the sample cells appropriately. For low turbidity measurements it is a good practice to use a single-indexed sample cell or a flow cell, which help ensure adequate precision and repeatability of the measurements. Using particle-free water, find the sample cell orientation in the sample cell holder that gives the lowest reading. For higher values of turbidity, different sample cells may be used. However, the sample cells must be matched (the difference in readings for a standard prepared at nominal sample concentration from two different sample cells must be within ±0.005 NTU or below the measurement precision requirement, whichever is lower).

    用於樣品測量的樣品室必須清潔。按照樣品池或儀器製造商的建議適當清潔樣品池。對於低濁度測量,最好使用一個單指數樣品池或流動池,這有助於確保測量的足夠精度和可重複性。使用無顆粒水,在樣品池支架中找到讀數最di的樣品池方向。對於較高的濁度值,可使用不同的樣品池。然而,樣品池必須匹配(兩個不同樣品池在標稱樣品濃度下製備的標準品讀數差異必須在±0.005 NTU範圍內或低於測量精度要求,以較低者為準)。



    Prepare the samples as prescribed in the individual monograph. Carefully mix the samples thoroughly by swirling or inverting the volumetric flask slowly several times. Avoid shaking or stirring since it may introduce bubbles. Degassing the samples helps to improve the measurements. For degassing, the samples could stand for several minutes or a vacuum could be applied, or they could be gently sonicated using an ultrasonic bath. After degassing, let the samples stand for several minutes and mix again by carefully inverting two to three times. Transfer the sample to the sample cell and take the readings.




    Flow cells are mainly used for low turbidity measurements for samples with small particles. When such cells are used, the sample is introduced by carefully pouring it down the interior edge of the inlet reservoir.

    In practice, it is advisable to ensure that settling of the particles being measured is negligible. This is usually accomplished by including a protective colloid in the liquid-suspending medium. It is important that results be interpreted by a comparison of readings with those representing known concentrations of suspended matter, produced under precisely the same conditions.




    7.2 Nephelometric Procedures散射光濁度法步驟

    Nephelometric procedures are performed similarly to turbidimetric procedures for both direct measurements and measurements in the ratio mode as described above.




    The overall procedure for monitoring the progress of the reaction consists of three well-defined steps: 1) record a baseline reading of the turbidity of the medium (blank); 2) record the turbidity after the first reagent (antigen) is added, which results in an increase of the turbidity until a plateau is reached; and 3) add the second reagent (antibody), which results in another turbidity increase and a second plateau followed by a final turbidity increase that continues until a third plateau is reached. The measurement zone is selected from the addition of the antibody until the third plateau, depending on the purpose of the assay and the respective component concentrations. Kinetic nephelometry and Endpoint nephelometry are two general procedures that are used for quantifying the immune complexes formed in the immunoassay methods (also known as immunonephelometry because the measured turbidity is due to immunocomplexes that are formed). For each procedure, there are several parameters that need to be optimized in each individual application. The main parameters are 1) with or without particle enhancement; 2) particle types, sizes, and respective optimum wavelength, if applicable; 3) monitoring reaction kinetic or endpoint; 4) antibody/antigen under consideration and, related to that, the optimum level of antigen loading; 5) buffers and other ionic species and respective optimal pH; 6) type and concentration of polymers used to modify the solubility of proteins; and 7) temperature and other environmental factors. Generally these parameters are optimized during the method development and the values are given in specific monograph(s) and/or chapter(s) as applicable.

    監測反應進程的總體程序包括三個明確定義的步驟:1)記錄介質濁度的基線讀數(空白);2 在添加一種試劑(抗原)後,記錄濁度,這會導致濁度增加,直到達到一個穩定期;3)添加第二種試劑(抗體),這會導致另一個濁度增加和第二個穩定期,然後是最終濁度增加,直到達到第三個穩定器。根據分析目的和各自的組分濃度,從添加抗體到第三個穩定期中間選擇測量區。動力學散射比濁法和終點散射比濁法是兩種通用程序,用於量化免疫分析方法中形成的免疫複合物(也稱為免疫散射比濁法,因為測得的濁度是由形成的免疫複合物引起的)。對於每一個步驟,都有幾個參數需要在每個單獨的應用中進行優化。主要參數為1)有無粒子增強;2 顆粒類型、尺寸和各自的最佳波長(如適用);3 監測反應動力學或終點;4 考慮中的抗體/抗原,以及與之相關的抗原負載的最佳水平;5 緩衝液和其他離子種類以及各自的最佳pH值;6 用於改變蛋白質溶解度的聚合物的類型和濃度;7)溫度和其他環境因素。通常,這些參數在方法開發過程中進行了優化,具體的專著和/或章節(如適用)中給出了這些值。


    Kinetic nephelometry: The kinetic nephelometry is advantageous compared to the endpoint nephelometry mainly because of the capability to take a sample blank reading in addition to a reagent blank reading. This procedure assesses the rate of the immunocomplex formation based on the increased intensity response of the scattered light of the chosen wavelength. The reaction kinetic may be monitored continuously or a certain number of data points may be taken, depending on the time response of the instrument used and the type of application. At times it may involve only two data points; however, proper care must be exercised because the choice of point selection can influence the overall accuracy in cases where differences in reaction kinetics exist between samples and calibrating standards. Careful consideration should be given to the appropriate choice of specificity control strategy.



    Endpoint nephelometry: In this method, an initial measurement is performed before adding the reagent, which represents the blank reading. A second measurement is performed after the immune complex is formed after approximately 60 min. The difference between these two measurements is proportional to the content of the component being assayed.




    8.1 Validation 驗證

    Validation is required when a nephelometric/turbidimetric method is intended for use as an alternative to the official procedure for testing an official article. The objective of nephelometric/turbidimetric method validation is to demonstrate that the measurement is suitable for its intended purpose, including quantitative determination of the main component in a drug substance or a drug product (Category I assays), quantitative determination of impurities or limit tests (Category II), and identification tests (Category IV). Depending on the category of the test (see Validation of Compendial Procedures <1225>, Table 2), the analytical method validation process for nephelometry/turbidimetry requires testing for accuracy, precision, specificity, detection limit (DL), quantitation limit (QL), linearity, range, and robustness. These analytical performance characteristics apply to externally standardized procedures and those that use standard additions.

    當散射比濁法/透射濁度法擬用作官fang物品測試程序的替代方法時,需要進行驗證。當散射比濁法/透射濁度法驗證的目的是證明測量適用於其預期目的,包括原料藥或藥品中主要成分的定量測定(I類分析)、雜質的定量測定或限度試驗(II類)以及鑒定試驗(IV類)。根據試驗的類別(參見<1225>Validation of Compendial Procedures,表2),透射濁度法/散射比濁法的分析方法驗證過程需要對準確度、精密度、特異性、檢測限(DL)、定量限(QL)、線性、範圍和穩健性進行試驗。這些分析性能特征適用於外部標準化程序和那些使用標準添加的程序。


    Validation of Compendial Procedures <1225> provides definitions and general guidance on analytical procedures validation without indicating specific validation criteria for each characteristic. The intention of the following sections is to provide the user with specific validation criteria that represent the minimum expectations for this technology. For each particular application, tighter criteria may be needed in order to demonstrate suitability for the intended use.

    <1225>Validation of Compendial Procedures章節提供了分析程序驗證的定義和一般指南,但沒有說明每個特征的具體驗證標準。以下各節的目的是向用戶提供具體的驗證標準,這些標準代表了對該技術的最di期望。對於每個特定應用,可能需要更嚴格的標準,以證明其適用於預期用途。


    ACCURACY 準確度

    For Category I, II, and III procedures, accuracy can be determined by conducting recovery studies with the appropriate matrix spiked with known concentrations of the analyte. Analysts can also compare the assay results obtained using the nephelometric/ turbidimetric procedure under validation to those from an established analytical procedure.

    Validation criteria: 98.0%–102.0% mean recovery for the drug substances, 95.0%–105.0% mean recovery for the drug product assay, and 80.0%–120.0% mean recovery for the impurity analysis. These criteria are met throughout the specified range.





    Repeatability: The repeatability of the analytical procedure is assessed by measuring the concentrations of six independently prepared sample solutions at of the assay test concentration. Alternatively, it can be assessed by measuring the concentrations of three replicates of three separate sample solutions at different concentrations. The three concentrations should be close enough so that the repeatability is constant across the concentration range. If this is done, the repeatability at the three concentrations is pooled for comparison to the acceptance criteria.

    Validation criteria: The relative standard deviation is NMT 1.0% for the drug substance, NMT 2.0% for the drug product assay, and NMT 20.0% for the impurity analysis.


    驗證標準:原料藥的相對標準偏差為NMT 1.0%,藥品分析的相對標準偏差為NMT 2.0%,雜質分析的相對標準偏差為NMT 20.0%。


    Intermediate precision: The effect of random events on the analytical precision of the method must be established. Typical variables include performing the analysis on different days, using different instrumentation, and/or having the method performed by two or more analysts. At a minimum, any combination of at least two of these factors totaling six experiments will provide an estimation of intermediate precision.

    Validation criteria: The relative standard deviation is NMT 1.5% for the drug substance, NMT 3.0% for the drug product assay, and NMT 25.0% for the impurity analysis.


    驗證標準:原料藥的相對標準偏差為NMT 1.5%,藥品分析的相對標準偏差為NMT 3.0%,雜質分析的相對標準偏差為NMT 25.0%。



    In nephelometric/turbidimetric measurements, specificity is demonstrated by the lack of interference from other components present in the matrix (other components of the matrix produce a true solution).




    The DL can be estimated by calculating the concentration of a solution that would give the signal-to-noise ratio of 3.3. The estimated DL must be confirmed by analyzing samples at the calculated concentration.

    可以通過計算溶液的濃度來估計檢測限DL,該濃度將給出信號的信噪比≥3.3. 必須通過分析計算濃度下的樣品來確認估計的DL。



    The QL can be estimated by calculating the concentration of a solution that would give the signal-to-noise ratio of 10.0. The estimated QL must be confirmed by analyzing samples at the calculated concentration. Measurement of a test solution prepared from a representative sample matrix spiked at the required QL concentration must be performed to confirm sufficient sensitivity and adequate precision. The observed signal-to-noise ratio at the required QL should be >10.

    Validation criteria: For the estimated limit of quantitation to be considered valid, the measured concentration must be accurate and precise at a level 50% of the specification.

    定量限QL可以通過計算溶液的濃度來估算,該濃度將給出信號的信噪比≥10.0. 必須通過分析計算濃度下的樣品來確認估算的QL。必須對以所需QL濃度添加的代表性樣品基質製備的試液進行測量,以確認其具有足夠的靈敏度和精度。在所需QL下觀察到的信噪比應大於10。




    A linear relationship between the analyte concentration and measured turbidity response must be demonstrated by preparation of at least four standard solutions at concentrations encompassing the anticipated concentration of the test solution. The standard curve is then evalsuated using appropriate statistical methods such as a least-squares regression. Deviation from linearity results from instrumental or sample factors, or both, can be reduced to acceptable levels by reducing or increasing the analyte concentration, thereby respectively decreasing or increasing the turbidity readings to within the nephelometer/turbidimeter instrument linearity range.

    Validation criteria: The correlation coefficient (R) must be NLT 0.995 for Category I assays and NLT 0.99 for Category II quantitative tests.


    驗證標準:對於I類分析,相關係數(R)必須為NLT 0.995,對於II類定量測試,相關係數(R)必須為NLT 0.99。


    RANGE 範圍

    The operational range of an analytical instrument (and the analytical procedure as a whole) is the interval between the upper and lower concentrations (amounts) of analyte in the sample (including these concentrations) for which it has been demonstrated that the instrumental response function has a suitable level of precision, accuracy, and linearity.

    Validation criteria: For Category I tests, the validation range for 100.0% centered acceptance criteria is 80.0%–120.0%. For non-centered acceptance criteria, the validation range is 10.0% below the lower limit to 10.0% above the upper limit. For Category II tests, the validation range covers 50.0%–120.0% of the acceptance criteria.





    The reliability of an analytical measurement is demonstrated by deliberate changes to experimental parameters. For nephelometry/turbidimetry this can include, for example, measuring the stability of the analyte under specified storage conditions, varying pH, and adding possible interfering species. Robustness is determined concurrently using a suitable design for the experimental procedure.

    分析測量的可靠性通過有意改變實驗參數來證明。 對於散射光濁度法/透射光比濁法,這可以包括:測量分析物在特定儲存條件、變化的 pH 值和添加可能的幹擾物質下的穩定性。使用適合實驗程序的設計,同時確保穩健性。


    8.2 Verification核查

    Current U.S. Good Manufacturing Practices regulations [21 CFR 211.194(a)(2)] indicate that users of analytical procedures described in the U.S. Pharmacopeia and National Formulary are not required to validate these procedures if provided in a monograph. Instead, they simply must verify their suitability under actual conditions of use.

    現行的《美國生產規範條例》[21 CFR 211.194a)(2]表明,如果專論中提供了這些程序,則美國藥典和國家處方集中描述的分析程序的用戶無需驗證這些程序。相反,他們隻需驗證其在實際使用條件下的適用性。


    The objective of nephelometric/turbidimetric procedure verification is to demonstrate the suitability of a test procedure under actual conditions of use. Performance characteristics that verify the suitability of a nephelometric/turbidimetric procedure are similar to those required for any analytical procedure. A discussion of the applicable general principles is found in Verification of Compendial Procedures <1226>. Verification is usually performed using a reference material and a well-defined matrix. Verification of compendial nephelometric/turbidimetric procedures includes, at minimum, the execution of the validation parameters for specificity, accuracy, precision, and QL, when appropriate, as indicated in 8.1 Validation.

    散射光濁度法/透射光比濁法程序驗證的目的是證明測試程序在實際使用條件下的適用性。驗證散射光濁度法/透射光比濁法程序適用性的性能特征與任何分析程序所需的性能特征相似。適用的一般原則的討論見<1226>Verification of Compendial Procedure 章節。通常使用參考材料和明確定義的基質進行驗證。 藥典散射光濁度法/透射光比濁法程序的驗證至少包括對特異性、準確度、精密度和 QL 的驗證參數的執行(如 8.1 驗證中所述)。




    Opalescence is the effect of light being absorbed or scattered by submicroscopic particles or optical density inhomogeneities. The absence of any particles or inhomogeneities in a solution results in a clear solution.



    A liquid is considered clear if its clarity is the same as that of water R or of the solvent used, or if its opalescence is not more pronounced than that of reference suspension I (see Table 2.2.1.-1), when examined under the conditions described below.



    Requirements in monographs are expressed in terms of the visual method by comparing with the defined reference suspensions (see Table 2.2.1.-1). However, instrumental methods may also be used for determining compliance with monograph requirements once the suitability of the instrument has been established as described below and calibration with reference suspensions I-IV and with water R or the solvent used has been performed.



    Using identical test-tubes of colourless, transparent, neutral glass with a flat base and an internal diameter of 15-25 mm, compare the liquid to be examined with a reference suspension freshly prepared as described below. Ensure that the depths of the layers in the 2 test-tubes are the same (about 40 mm).

    使用相同的無色透明中性玻璃試管,底座平坦,內徑為15-25 mm,將待檢液體與下述新製備的參考懸浮液進行比較。確保兩個試管中各層的深度相同(約40 mm)。


    Compare the liquids in diffused daylight 5 min after preparation of the reference suspension, viewing vertically against a black background.



    System suitability. The diffusion of light must be such that reference suspension I can readily be distinguished from water R, and that reference suspension II can readily be distinguished from reference suspension I (see Table 2.2.1.-1).



    The instrumental assessment of clarity and opalescence provides a more discriminatory test that does not depend on the visual acuity of the analyst. Numerical results are more useful for process control and quality monitoring, especially in stability studies. For example, previous numerical data on stability can be extrapolated to determine whether a given batch of a preparation will exceed shelf-life limits prior to the expiry date.

    儀器法評估給透明度和乳光度的提供了一種更具辨別力的測試,它不依賴於分析人員的視力。 數值結果對於過程控製和質量監控更有用,尤其是在穩定性研究中。 例如,可以從以前關於穩定性的數字數據外推,來確定給定批次的製劑是否會在有效期之前超過保質期限製。



    When a suspension is viewed at right angles to the direction of the incident light, the system appears opalescent due to the scattering of light by the particles of the suspension (Tyndall effect). A certain portion of the light beam entering a turbid liquid is transmitted, another portion is absorbed and the remaining portion is scattered by the suspended particles. The light-scattering effect of suspended particles can be measured either indirectly by observation of the transmitted light (turbidimetry) or directly by measuring the scattered light (nephelometry). Turbidimetry and nephelometry are more reliable in low turbidity ranges, where there is a linear relationship between turbidity values and detector signals. As the degree of turbidity increases, not all the particles are exposed to the incident light and the scattered or the transmitted radiation of other particles is hindered on its way to the detector.



    For quantitative measurements, the construction of calibration curves is essential. Linearity must be based on at least 4 levels of concentrations. Reference suspensions must show a sufficiently stable degree of turbidity and must be produced under well-defined conditions.




    The determination of opalescence of coloured liquids is done using instruments with ratio mode, since colour provides a negative interference, attenuating both incident and scattered light and lowering the turbidity value. The effect is so great, even for moderately coloured samples, that conventional nephelometers cannot be used.

    由於顏色會產生負幹擾,衰減入射光和散射光,降低濁度值,因此使用具有比率模式的儀器測定有色液體的乳光。 這種影響是如此之大,即使是中等顏色的樣品,以至於不能使用傳統的濁度計。


    In turbidimetry or nephelometry with ratio mode, the ratio of the transmission measurement to the 90° scattered light measurement is determined. This procedure compensates for the light that is diminished by the colour of the sample. Instruments with ratio mode use as light source a tungsten lamp with spectral sensitivity at about 550 nm operating at a filament colour temperature of 2700 K. Other suitable light sources may also be used. Silicon photodiodes and photomultipliers are commonly used as detectors and record changes in light scattered or transmitted by the sample. The light scattered at 90 ± 2.5° is measured by the primary detector. Other detectors measure back and forward scatter (reflected light) as well as transmitted light. The results are obtained by calculating the ratio of the 90° scattered light measured to the sum of the components of forward scattered and transmitted light values.

    在比濁法或濁度法中,通過比率模式,確定透射測量與90°散射光測量的比率。該程序補償因樣品顏色而減弱的光線。具有比率模式的儀器使用光譜靈敏度約為550 nm的鎢燈作為光源,在2700 K的燈絲色溫下工作。也可以使用其他合適的光源。矽光電二極管和光電倍增管常用作探測器,記錄樣品散射或透射光的變化。由主探測器測量90±2.5°處的散射光。其他探測器測量前後散射(反射光)以及透射光。通過計算測得的90°散射光與前向散射光和透射光值分量之和的比值,可以獲得結果。


    The instruments used are calibrated against standards of known turbidity and are capable of automatic measurement of turbidity. The test results are obtained directly from the instrument and compared to the specifications in the individual monograph.



    Alternatively, the influence of the colour of the sample may also be eliminated by using an infrared light-emitting diode (IR LED) having an emission maximum at 860 nm with a 60 nm spectral bandwidth as the light source of the instrument.

    或者,也可以通過使用最大發射波長為860nm、光譜帶寬為60nm的紅外發光二極管(IR LED)作為儀器光源來消除樣品顏色的影響。



    Instruments complying with the following characteristics and verified using reference suspensions as described below may be used instead of visual examination for determination of compliance with monograph requirements.



    Measuring unit: NTU (nephelometric turbidity units). NTU is based on the turbidity of a primary standard of formazin. FTU (formazin turbidity units) or FNU (formazin nephelometric units) are also used, and are equivalent to NTU in regions of low turbidity (up to 40 NTU). These units are used in all 3 instrumental methods (nephelometry, turbidimetry and in ratio mode).

    Measuring range: 0.01-1100 NTU.

    Resolution: 0.01 NTU within the range 0-9.99 NTU; 0.1 NTU within the range 10.0-99.9 NTU; and 1 NTU for the range > 100 NTU.

    Accuracy: ± (10 per cent of reading + 0.01 NTU) with in the range 0-20 NTU; ± 7.5 per cent within the range 20-1100 NTU.

    Repeatability: ± 0.05 NTU within the range0-20 NTU; ± 2 per cent of the reading within the range 20-1100 NTU.

    測量單位:NTU(濁度測量單位)。NTU是基於福爾馬肼一級標準品的濁度。也可使用FTU(福爾馬肼濁度單位)或FNU(福爾馬肼濁度單位),相當於NTU的在低濁度區域(最高40 NTU)。這些單位適用於所有3種儀器方法(比濁法、濁度法和比率模式)。

    –測量範圍:0.01-1100 NTU

    –分辨率:0-9.99 NTU範圍內為0.01 NTU;10.0-99.9 NTU範圍內為0.1 NTU;對於大於100 NTU的範圍,則為1 NTU

    –準確度:範圍在0-20 NTU之間,讀數準確度偏差為±(讀數的10%+0.01 NTU);範圍在20-1100 NTU時,讀數準確偏差為±7.5%。

    –重複性:在0-20 NTU範圍內重複性為±0.05 NTU;在20-1100 NTU範圍內讀數重複性為±2%。


    Instruments with measuring range or resolution, accuracy and repeatability capabilities other than those mentioned above may be used provided they are sufficiently validated and are capable for the intended use.




    Calibration: performed with at least 4 reference suspensions of formazin covering the measuring range of interest. Reference suspensions described in this chapter or suitable reference standards calibrated against the primary reference suspensions may be used.



    Stray light: < 0.15 NTU within the range 0-10 NTU; < 0.5 NTU within the range 10-1100 NTU. Stray light is defined as that light that reaches the nephelometric detector without being a result of scatter from the sample. Stray light is always a positive interference and is a significant source of error in low-range turbidity measurements. Sources of stray light include: imperfections in and scratches on sample cells, internal reflections of the optical system, contamination of the optics or sample cell chamber with dust, and electronic noise. Instrument design can also affect stray light. The influence of stray light becomes negligible in ratio mode measurements.

    雜散光:在0-10NTU範圍內<0.15 NTU;在10-1100 NTU範圍內<0.5 NTU。雜散光是指到達濁度檢測器的光,而不是樣品散射的結果。雜散光總是一種正幹擾,是低範圍濁度測量中的一個重要誤差源。雜散光的來源包括:樣品池中的缺陷和劃痕、光學係統的內部反射、光學元件或樣品池被灰塵汙染,以及電子噪聲。儀器設計也會影響雜散光。在比率模式測量中,雜散光的影響可以忽略不計。


    The test methodology for the specific substance/product to be analysed must also be verified to demonstrate its analytical capability. The instrument and methodology shall be consistent with the attributes of the substance to be examined.



    Measurements of standards and samples should be carried out under the same temperature conditions, preferably between 20 °C and 25 °C.

    標準品和樣品的測量應在相同的溫度條件下進行,最好在20 °C25 °C之間。



    Formazin has several desirable characteristics that make it an excellent turbidity standard. It can be reproducibly prepared from assayed raw materials. The physical characteristics make it a desirable light-scatter calibration standard. The formazin polymer consists of chains of different lengths, which fold into random configurations. This results in a wide variety of particle shapes and sizes, which allows the analysis of different particle sizes and shapes that are found in real samples. Stabilised formazin suspensions that can be used to prepare stable, diluted turbidity standards are commercially available and may be used after comparison with the standards prepared as described.



    All steps of the preparation of reference suspensions as described below are carried out at 25 ± 3 °C.



    Hydrazine sulfate solution. Dissolve 1.0 g of hydrazine sulfate R in water R and dilute to 100.0 mL with the same solvent. Allow to stand for 4-6 h.

    硫酸肼溶液。 1.0 g 硫酸肼溶解在水中,並用相同的溶劑稀釋至100.0 mL。 靜置 4-6 小時。


    Primary opalescent suspension (formazin suspension). In a 100 mL ground-glass-stoppered flask, dissolve 2.5 g of hexamethylenetetramine R in 25.0 mL of water R. Add 25.0 mL of the hydrazine sulfate solution. Mix and allow to stand for 24 h. This suspension is stable for 2 months, provided it is stored in a glass container free from surface defects. The suspension must not adhere to the glass and must be mixed thoroughly before use.

    初級乳白色懸浮液(福爾馬肼懸浮液)。在100 mL磨砂玻璃塞燒瓶中,將2.5g六亞甲基四胺溶解在25.0 mL水中。添加25.0 mL硫酸肼溶液。混合並靜置24小時。如果該懸浮液儲存在無表麵缺陷的玻璃容器中,則可穩定2個月。懸浮液不得粘附在玻璃上,使用前必須*混合。


    Standard of opalescence. Dilute 15.0 mL of the primary opalescent suspension to 1000.0 mL with water R. This suspension is freshly prepared and may be stored for up to 24 h.

    乳白色的標準濁度液。用水將15.0 mL初級乳白色懸浮液稀釋至1000.0 mL。該懸浮液是新製備的,可儲存24小時。


    Reference suspensions. Prepare the reference suspensions according to Table 2.2.1.-1. Mix and shake before use.





    Measurements of reference suspensions I-IV in ratio mode show a linear relationship between the concentrations and measured NTU values (see Table 2.2.1.-2).







    2.61 Turbidity Measurement 濁度測量

    Turbidity measurement is used to determine the turbidity (degree of opalescence) for the decision whether the article to be examined complies with the clarity requirement stated in the Purity.

    As a rule, the visual method is specified for the requirement in individual monograph.




    1. Visual method目視法

    This is used to determine the degree of opalescence with white (or faintly-colored) fine particles. So the degree of opalescence of a colored sample is liable to be determined lower that it is difficult to compare the degree correctly without using similarly colored reference suspension.



    1.1. Reference suspensions參考懸浮液

    Pipet 5 mL, 10 mL, 30 mL and 50 mL of formazin opalescence standard solution, dilute them separately to exactly 100 mL with water, and use these solutions so obtained as Reference suspensions I, II, III and IV, respectively. Shake before use. Degrees of opalescence of Reference suspensions I, II, III and IV are equivalent to 3 NTU, 6 NTU, 18 NTU and 30 NTU, respectively.

    用移液管分別吸取5 mL、10 mL、30 mL、50 mL福爾馬肼標準液,用水分別稀釋至100 mL,分別作為參比懸液I、II、III、IV。在使用前搖晃。參考懸浮液I、II、IIIIV的乳光度分別相當於3 NTU、6 NTU、18 NTU30 NTU。


    1.2. Procedure步驟

    Place sufficient of the test solution, water or the solvent to prepare the test solution and, where necessary, newly prepared Reference suspensions in separate flat-bottomed test tubes, 15 – 25 mm in inside diameter and of colorless and transparent, to a depth of 40 mm, and compare the contents of the tubes against a black background by viewing in diffused light down the vertical axes of the tubes. The diffused light must be such that Reference suspension I can be readily distinguished from water, and that Reference suspension II can readily be distinguished from Reference suspension I.

    取足夠的待測溶液、水或溶劑,以準備測試溶液,必要時,將新製備的參考懸浮液置於獨立的平底試管中,試管內徑15 - 25mm,無色透明,深度40 mm。然後在一個黑色的背景下通過漫射光下垂直於管軸進行觀察,比較管內的內容。漫射光必須能使參考懸浮體I容易與水區分開來,參考懸浮體II容易與參考懸浮體I區分開來。


    In this test Reference suspensions are used when the clarity of the test solution is obscurely and it is not easy to determine that its degree of opalescence is similar or not similar to water or to the solvent used to prepare the test solution.



    1.3. Interpretation注釋

    A liquid is considered “clear” when its clarity is the same as that of water or of the solvent used to prepare the liquid or its turbidity is not more pronounced than that of Reference suspension I. If the turbidity of the liquid is more than that of Reference suspension I, consider as follows: When the turbidity is more than that of Reference suspension I but not more than that of Reference suspension II, express “it is not more than Reference suspension II”. In the same way, when the turbidity is more than that of Reference suspension II but not more than that of Reference suspension III, express “it is not more than Reference suspension III”, and when the turbidity is more than that of Reference suspension III but not more than that of Reference suspension IV, express “it is not more than Reference suspension IV”. When the turbidity is more than that of Reference suspension IV, express “it is more than Reference suspension IV”.

    當液體的澄清度與水或與用於製備液體的溶劑的澄清度相同或其濁度不比參比懸浮液 I 更明顯時,該液體被視為澄清。如果液體的濁度大於參考懸浮液I,考慮如下:當濁度大於參考懸浮液I但不超過參考懸浮液II時,表示不超過參考懸浮液II”。 同理,當濁度大於參比懸濁液但不大於參比懸濁液時,表示不大於參比懸濁液Ⅲ”,當濁度大於參比懸濁液 但不超過參考懸浮液IV,表示不超過參考懸浮液IV”。 當濁度大於參考懸浮液IV時,表示大於參考懸浮液IV”。


    1.4. Reagent solutions試劑溶液

    Formazin opalescence standard solution: To exactly 3 mL of formazin stock suspension add water to make exactly 200 mL. Use within 24 hours after preparation. Shake thoroughly before use. Degrees of opalescence of this standard solution is equivalent to 60 NTU.

    福爾馬津乳光標準溶液:準確地取 3 mL福爾馬肼儲備懸浮液,加水至 200 mL。 配製後24小時內使用。使用前*搖勻。此標準溶液的乳光度相當於 60 NTU。


    2. Photoelectric photometry光電光度法

    The turbidity can also be estimated by instrumental measurement of the light absorbed or scattered on account of submicroscopic optical density inhomogeneities of opalescent solutions and suspensions. The photoelectric photometry is able to provide more objective determination than the visual method. Though they can determine the turbidity by measuring the scattered or transmitted light, the measuring system and light source must be specified in individual test method, and for the comparison of observed data, the same measuring system and light source should be used.

    由於乳光溶液和懸浮液的亞顯微光密度不均勻性,還可以通過儀器測量吸收或散射的光來估計濁度。光電光度法比目測法能夠提供更客觀的測定。 雖然他們可以通過測量散射光或透射光來確定濁度,但必須在單獨的測試方法中標明測量係統和光源,並且為了比較觀察數據,應使用相同的測量係統和光源。


    In each case, the linear relationship between turbidity and concentration must be demonstrated by constructing a calibration curve using at least 4 concentrations. For colored samples, the turbidity value is liable to be estimated lower because of attenuating both incident and scattered lights due to the absorption by the color, and the transmission-dispersion method is principally used.



    2.1. Turbidimetry透射光比濁法

    When a light passes through a turbid liquid the transmitted light is decreased by scattering with the particles dispersed in the liquid. A linear relationship is observed between turbidity and concentration when the particles with a constant size are uniformly dispersed, the size is small and the suspension is not higher concentration. The turbidity can be measured by Ultraviolet-visual Spectrophotometry <2.24> using spectrophotometer or photoelectric photometer. The turbidity of the sample in higher concentration can also be measured, however, it is susceptible to the color of the sample, and the measurement is usually performed at around 660 nm to avoid possible disturbance occurred from the absorption by the color.

    當光通過混濁液體時,透射光通過分散在液體中的顆粒散射而減少。當粒徑恒定的顆粒分散均勻、粒徑較小且懸浮液濃度不高時,濁度與濃度呈線性關係。濁度可以通過紫外分光光度法<2.24>使用分光光度計或光電光度計進行測量。較高濃度的樣品的濁度也可以測量,但它易受樣品顏色的影響,通常在660 nm左右進行測量,以避免顏色吸收可能產生的幹擾。


    2.2. Nephelometry散射光濁度法

    When a suspension is viewed at right angles to the direction of the incident light, it appears opalescent due to the refraction of light from the particles of the suspension (Tyndall effect). A certain portion of the light entering a turbid liquid is transmitted, another portion is absorbed and the remaining portion is scattered by the suspended particles. The scattered light measuring method shows the linear relationship between the nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) values and relative detector signals in a low turbidity range. As the degree of turbidity increases, not all the particles are exposed to the incident light and the scattered radiation of other particles is hindered on its way to the detector.



    2.3. Ratio Turbidimetry比率濁度法

    This method measures both scattered and transmitted light values at the same time, and the turbidity is determined from the ratio of the scattered light value to the transmitted light value. This procedure compensates for the light that is diminished by the color of the sample and eliminates the influence of the color. When the measurement is performed by using an integrating sphere, it is particularly called the integrating sphere method, which measures the total transmitted light value as well as the scattered light value occurred with the suspended particles, and the turbidity can be determined from the ratio of them.



    2.4. Application of photoelectric photometry for monograph requirements


    The turbidity of the test solution, determined by the photoelectric photometry, can be used as an indicating standard for the conformity to the clarity requirements by converting into NTU by using turbidity known reference solutions such as Reference suspensions I – IV, if needed, and water or the solvent used. In an automatically compensable apparatus being calibrated with turbidity known reference solutions, the measuring result is given in NTU and it can be compared directly with required specified value.

    由光電光度法測定的測試溶液的濁度,可以作為指示標準,通過使用濁度已知的參考溶液,如參考懸浮液 I-IV,如果需要,水和使用的溶劑液也可以,將其以NTU為單位的數據轉出。在使用濁度已知參考溶液校準的自動補償裝置中,測量結果以 NTU 為單位給出,並且可以直接與所需的規定值進行比較。


    NTU is often used as the unit in the turbidity determinations. It is the unit used in the case when the turbidity is estimated by the instrument which measures the 90 ± 30°scattered light against the incident light intensity, using tungsten lamp, and in the case the estimation is performed by the instrument which measures the 90 ± 2.5°scattered light against the incident light intensity using 860 nm infrared light, FNU is used as the unit. FNU is equivalent to NTU at a range of smaller measurements (less than 40 NTU). For the unit of formazin concentration, FTU is also used, which is defined as a suspension of 1 mg formazin in 1L of purified water is 1 FTU.

    在濁度測定中經常使用NTU作為單位。它是測量用90±30°散射光對入射光強度的得到濁度信息時使用的單位,使用鎢燈,采用860 nm紅外光測量90±2.5°的散射光對入射光強度,此時FNU為單元。在較小的測量範圍內(小於40 NTU),FNU相當於NTU。福爾馬肼的濃度單位也用FTU,即1L純淨水中1 mg 福爾馬肼的懸浮液為1 FTU。


    Formazin stock suspension. To 25 mL of hexamethylenetetramine TS add 25 mL of hydrazinium sulfate TS, mix, and use after allowing to stand at room temperature for 24 hours. Store in a glass container free from surface defects. Use within 2 months. Shake thoroughly before use. The turbidity of this suspension is equivalent to 4000 NTU.

    福爾馬肼貯備懸浮液:向 25 mL六亞甲基四胺中加入25 mL硫酸肼,混勻,室溫靜置 24 小時後使用。 儲存在沒有表麵缺陷的玻璃容器中。2個月內使用。使用前*搖勻。這種懸浮液的濁度相當於4000 NTU。


    Formazin opalescence standard solution. To 15 mL of formazin stock suspension add water to make 1000 mL. Use within 24 hours after preparation. Shake thoroughly before use.

    福爾馬肼標準液: 15 mL 的福爾馬肼貯備懸浮液中加水至 1000 mL。配製後24小時內使用。使用前*搖勻。





    HN-100A型和HN-200A型澄清度檢查專用傘棚燈符合各國藥典中目視法檢測溶液澄清度的儀器要求,具有光林帶型光源,能有效減少目視過程中光對眼睛的刺激,其照度可達5000 Lux。其中HN-200A型專用傘棚燈增加了RGB三色光源,可以對有色樣品進行澄清度檢測。







